Friday, September 9

What the heck is gerrymandering? (Yes, such a word exists)

Every election season my house seems to be moving. 2 election seasons ago I was in the bukit timah district, last election season I was in the bukit batok district. Only thing is... I've never moved house in my life. And it was pretty strange the last elections, because my neighbours less than 100m away was in the bukit timah district. Phishy phishy.

Well, theres a saying that goes the house always wins. Is that true? Sadly so. The house has all the power it wants; although there are rules to keep the house in order, its the house who makes and controls the rules. Bottom line, the house always wins, and the house is controlled by THE MAN.

THE MAN could be anybody, the head of an organization, the CEO, the leader of a state, radio-active hamsters from the planet of mars, just about anyone who controls the rules controls everything. Then again the man may not be THE MAN if the man has to abide by a higher set of rules. Thus the man may think he is THE MAN, although he is just another pawn in THE MAN's game.

To whos rules do you play? To Hoyles' or to your own? Unfortunately everyone plays poker to Hoyles'.

Buffed up @
10:14 AM

ah yah rachel cheung and moghan das went through this in IHS, by the way who posted this
your ihs lessons got learn things ah? Sham didnt mention it... came across it on a word-of-the-day thingy several years back
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