Sunday, September 25
Donald Ong
Local News -BB News Co
Donald Ong's Advertisement
After a more than successful launch of the hit series The Educator, CEO Donald Ong seems to be venturing into other markets in his conquest for global domination. His advertisements have been spotted in the Bras Besah region of Singapore, already claiming to be the "1st Choice in Real Estate".
No one truly knows what his company "HSR" stands for, but there are speculations. It could possibly mean "Health Conscious, Scholar, Researcher", a new vision to replace the fast becoming cliche "Officer, Scholar Gentleman". After all, Donald Ong's organization has been presented with awards with regards to Health and Physical development, and the educational sector is pushing towards life science and research. Could this be his latest "Secret Weapon"?
Others speculate it could stand for "Homo Sapien Redevelopment", perhaps a covert name for brainwashing and redeveloping Homo Sapien samples into perfectly manufactured speciments.
The most likely meaning to "HSR" would be "Huge School Realestate", as suggested by Donald Ong's number one fan who would only like to be known as Integrity. "Recenty, Donald Ong has made several purchases in Huge School Realestate. And when I say huge, it means plots greater than 4.3Ha. I think that HSR is one of his holding companies for real estate. Trust me hor, I'm Integrity." Intergrity's comments could not be verified before press time.
When contacted, Donald Ong rejected both speculations and declined to comment.
Reporter Sanguinary
BB News Company
Singapore, Singapore
This story is entirely fictatious. Any references to real life individuals or insituitions are entirely coincidental.
Buffed up @ 10:26 PM
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